Upcoming meetings are:
Wednesday April 29th 11:30-1 PM Owensboro Health Regional Hospital Café A Tuesday May 12: TBA Thursday June 6: TBA ReportsReports from each sub-group will be available here following each meeting.
Citizen Response to Owensboro's Health Future in 2065?
Greater Owensboro in 2065: A regional planning initiative to educate, engage and empower the community to define 50-year goals in education, transportation, energy and health.
The Vision 2065 Health Group is developing a platform for health in 2065 designed around the World Health Organization's definition... Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1948) Here's Where You Come In
What steps should be taken leading up to 2065 to realize this definition? The Vision 2065 Health Group wants your input! We will be sending six Youth Representatives to join the Vision 2065 Health Group. They will be reporting your views to the group and the group's work back to us! Get Informed!Look over these documents to get familiar with the initiative and post to our forum at the bottom of the page.
Representatives |